Perseid Meteor Shower
Joshua Tree National Park
Thursday August 10
The Perseid meteor shower is one of the best shooting star displays of the year and it's currently active.
The Perseid meteor shower (also known as the Perseids) is active every year from mid-July to late August.
This year the shower will peak around Aug. 11-13, 2023, according to skywatching site.
2023 will be a great year for the Perseids as the moon will only be 10% illuminated. The Perseids are caused by Earth passing through debris — bits of ice and rock — left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle which last passed close to Earth in 1992. The Perseids peak when Earth passes through the densest and dustiest area on Aug. 11-12.
Years without moonlight see higher rates of meteors per hour, and in outburst years (such as in 2016) the rate can be between 150-200 meteors an hour.
In 2022, the Perseids were affected by the full moon illuminating the sky and washing out fainter meteors.
However, this year the moon will provide minimal disturbance to the meteor shower as it will only be 10% illuminated during the time of the peak.
The best time to look for meteors is in the pre-dawn hours.
The plan:
Due to the limited availability of options for attendees and complexity of the requirements for registration if you have a question or need clarification, please contact Lance at 657-250-5466.
Text is preferred with your questions and will respond when the opportunity presents itself.
Each vehicle entering Joshua Tree National Park must either possess a National Park Pass or pay $30 entry fee. This fee is in addition to the $10 Fee for Members ( Non-members $20) charged for the use of the campsite due upon registration.
The collective goal is to arrive in Joshua Tree in the early evening so to have time to set up tents before dark. Trails are nearby for short hikes if interested. The rest of the evening will be for star gazing in our front row seat, remote and away from any light pollution or full moon (moon will be at 10%!).
Friday, we will depart in the morning (must exit camp by noon) - exact time TBD by Driver of each vehicle.
A National Park Pass is required per vehicle to enter Joshua Tree National Park otherwise an entry fee has to be paid.
Ryan Campground:
Ryan Campground has 31 campsites. All campsites are reservation only. The campground is centrally located in the park and is adjacent to the California Riding and Hiking Trail.
Photo of Ryan Campground from the National Park website:
There is NO running or potable water!
This has pit toilets/vault toilets.
No cell service; no internet.
Due to this being a One Night Only (shades of Dreamgirls); roughing it for 12+ hours won't be much of a challenge. I know we will survive!
Since this is a quickie, really don't need much except tents, chair (folding lounge chairs are ideal), light snacks and probably share a large ice chest for some cool drinks. Bring WATER!
Suggestions are welcome.
Registration Fee: $10.
Non-Members Registration Fee: $20
There is no embellishments for this one-nighter; it is an earnest effort to avoid heat - as there are no plans for camp-site cooking.
Unfortunately no refunds if cancelled by member.
All photos with meteors are from previous Perseid Meteor showers at Joshua Tree National Park.
For more information about the Perseid Meteor showers review this link:
Thank you for participating in the Great Outdoors club!
POC: Lance Whitmier
Email: [email protected]