OCLB - Let's Get Soaking Wet Again! Pool Party #3!

  • Sat, September 25, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Huntington Beach
  • 17


  • Attendance limited to first 37 people. We will maintain a waitlist in the event we reach capacity. If you find that you can't come after registering, please cancel your registration so other members may attend. However, there will be no refunds once you register.
  • I need two volunteers to help with setting up and prep!

Registration is closed

Merman Alert!

OC/LB Pool Party #3

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Let's Get Soaking Wet Again!

Pin on Tattoos

Pool & Party & Pizza!Salt of the Sea - Swish Embassy

2021 End of Summer Pool Party with Pizza!

Great Outdoor Members are invited to attend on

 Saturday, September 25 from 1:00 pm – 6 pm. 

Registration for this event will close on the early morning of September 25 - sign up NOW.

This party will have a Registration Fee of $8 for all members.

We have a capacity of 40 for this event.

Pizzas  will be provided throughout the day! 

December Diamonds A Pizza That Merman Holiday Ornament - Christmas Ornaments - by Mary B Decorative Art | Houzz

   If you would like to bring a non-member, they must first join as a member online and then they can register online for this pool party.

           All attendees must register individually and pay the event registration fee. 

                 This pool party will be at a member's home in Huntington Beach. 

               Once you are registered you will receive the address via email.

A  variety of soft drinks and bottled water will be provided.  

If you want to drink "adult beverages," please BYOB.  

Schedule for Saturday, September 25

  • 1:00 pm - Begin to Arrive (Pool, Drinks and Make Merry!)
  • 2:30 pm - Pizzas to be delivered.  And when more are requested!
  • If you have any dietary restrictions, please email POC.

  Recommended Items to Bring: Towel, swimsuit, suntan lotion, folding chair, flip-flops.

                  This will be the last Pool Party of the Summer - Lets do this right!

 December Diamonds Bear Pride Merman Christmas Ornament 5555135 New - Walmart.com - Walmart.comDecember Diamonds Sir Leather Merman Christmas Holiday Ornament - Beach Style - Christmas Ornaments - by Mary B Decorative Art | Houzz

DirectionsTo be provided via e-mail to those who register for this event.

This event includes indoor activities, including the use of restrooms, changing rooms and the kitchen, so the Great Outdoors COVID policy on indoor events will apply. 

Due to COVID indoor event restrictions you must:

  • Be a GO member to attend this event ( become a member @ this link - click here); and
  • Have completed a COVID vaccination +14 days; and
  • Do Not attend if feeling ill, have any symptoms of COVID and/or test positive for COVID within 14 days of the event; and
  • Contact the event leader if testing positive for COVID within 14 days of the event;

    Refunds - There are no refunds for this event. However, we do request that, if you are unable to attend, cancel your registration so someone on the wait list might be able to attend in your place.

               Questions/Contact and Registration Cancellations can be sent to:  

                             POC:     President-OCLB@GreatOutdoors.org

    Photos:  Before taking photos, please ask the subject if that's OK with them... Some may not want their handsome faces to be splashed all over the internet.

    a 501(c)(7) not-for-profit, all-volunteer LGBTQIA+ and Allies organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors. All rights reserved. Privacy policy